If you have one monute, please sign my guestbook too. thank you very much.
Julia [my mirth] [mail of mirth]
/\ 8 \/
hey! i love ur site, it is so awesome. i can see all the effort u put into it. plez visit my site, don't forget to sign the guestmap, and apply for the award! ~::xoxo::~
October 13, 2003 03:45
Claudia [my mirth] [mail of mirth]
/\ 7 \/
Habe den Film grade gesehen und habe echt so geheult am Ende. Der beste Film überhaupt!!!! Gillian übertrifft sich selbst!!!!! Ich bin echt total sprachlos!!!!! Und das es dann noch diese tolle page gibt, macht das ganze noch besser!!!!!!
April 13, 2003 22:41
Frances [my mirth] [mail of mirth]
/\ 6 \/
Thank you for making a fansite for such a fabulous and moving book. Did anyone else here cry at the ending? (both in the book AND movie *grin*)
September 8, 2002 01:15
Christoph [my mirth] [mail of mirth]
/\ 5 \/
Kommt der Film denn noch in die deutschen Kinos, oder wenigstens in die Videothek ?
April 29, 2002 00:13
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